Thompson Advising - Experience. Knowledge. Results.

Expert Medical School Admission Consulting and Post-Bac Program Admission Consulting

"Liza is a force of nature and she was a life-saver in the medical school application process. From day one, she helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses as an applicant, and showed me what steps I could take to strengthen my weaker areas. She will be your advocate and greatest advantage while applying to medical school. From over twenty years of experience advising premedical students, she has developed knowledge of what each U.S. medical school is looking for and what school you, as a student and person, will best be suited for. She will help you develop a list of schools to apply to, edit your personal statements until they are the best possible, prepare you for every type of interview scenario, and put you at ease in a process that can otherwise seem overwhelming. Together, we developed my individual timetable for applying to medical school, including when to take the MCAT, solicit letters of recommendations, and complete my personal statement. She read countless drafts of my personal statement and secondary applications. Thanks to Liza, when I applied to Mount Sinai, I knew I was applying to a school that was the right fit."

Alexandra Douglas

Mt. Sinai School of Medicine